How Long To Smoke A Ham In Electric Smoker VS Pellet Smoker

How Long To Smoke A Ham In Electric Smoker VS Pellet Smoker

Smoked ham is one of the most popular dishes for holiday dinners. Many people are now using electric smokers to make their hams. There are two main types of electric smokers: pellet smokers and electric smokers.

Both types of smokers produce delicious results. But they take different amounts of time to smoke a ham. In this article, we will discuss “How Long to Smoke a Ham in an Electric Smoker vs Pellet Smoker”. And which type of smoker is best for different types of hams.

A brief overview of smoking ham in an electric smoker

When smoking ham in an electric smoker. The key is to get the temperature of the smoker up to the desired level before starting. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the size and type of smoker you are using.

  • Electric Smoker

An electric smoker is the simplest type of smoker to use. It does not need any extra fuel sources. Like charcoal or wood chips, as all the heat comes from the heating element inside the unit.

Electric smokers are usually the fastest option. When it comes to smoking ham. With most hams taking between 3-5 hours. To reach an internal temperature of 165°F. The size and type of the ham will affect how long it takes to cook in an electric smoker.

  • Pellet Smoker

A pellet smoker is a bit more complex than an electric smoker, as it uses wood pellets as fuel to generate heat. Pellet smokers take a bit longer to smoke a ham compared to electric smokers. Usually taking between 5-7 hours for a standard-size ham.

The type of wood pellet used will determine the flavor of the smoked ham. So experimenting with different types of wood pellets. You can produce interesting and unique flavors.

Comparison between electric smokers and pellet smokers

Do you know how long to smoke a ham in electric smoker? Electric smokers are the quickest option. When it comes to smoking hams, They do not produce as much smoke flavor as pellet smokers. Pellet smokers take longer to smoke a ham, but provide more intense smoky flavors.

Smoking Ham in an Electric Smoker

Tips and Tricks

When smoking ham in an electric smoker, there are several tips and tricks that can help you get the best results.

1. Start by preheating your smoker to the desired temperature before adding the ham.

2. Place wood chips or chunks inside the smoker to enhance smokiness if desired.

3. Use a thermometer to check the internal temperature of the smoker.

4. Make sure to keep an eye on the ham while it is cooking, as different types of hams cook at different rates.

5. Once the ham reaches a safe internal temperature of 165°F.

Smoking Ham in a Pellet Smoker

Tips and Tricks

Smoking ham in a pellet smoker is like smoking it in an electric smoker. But there are some important differences.

1. Start by preheating your smoker to the desired temperature. Before adding the wood pellets.

2. Choose your type of wood pellets; different types of wood produce different flavors.

3. Put the ham in the smoker and wait for it to reach a safe internal temperature of 165°F.

4. Use a thermometer to check the temperature of both the smoker and the ham during cooking.

5. Keep checking the ham from time to time to make sure it is not burning or drying out too much.

6. When the ham is finished cooking, let it cool for about 10 minutes before serving.

Comparing Smoking Times

Electric Vs. Pellet Smokers

In general, electric smokers are the fastest option when it comes to smoking ham. Most hams will take between 3-5 hours in an electric smoker, depending on their size and type. Pellet smokers tend to take longer; usually between 5-7 hours for most standard-size hams.

Choosing the Right Smoker for Smoking Ham

When deciding which type of smoker to use for smoking ham. It is important to consider the amount of time you have available. And the flavor profile you are aiming for electric smokers is great if you need a fast cooking time. While pellet smokers provide more intense smoky flavors but need longer cooking times.

Tips for Successful Ham Smoking

Regardless of which type of smoker you use. There are some general tips. That will help ensure a successful ham smoking experience.

  • Start by bringing or marinating the ham before smoking it to enhance its flavor and keep it moist.
  • Be sure to use a thermometer to verify the temperature within the smoker and ensure that your ham is 100% cooked.
  • Avoid using too much smoke, as this can make the ham taste bitter.
  • Finally, let your smoked ham rest for at least 10 minutes. Before serving to ensure all its flavors develop.

Factors influencing smoking time

The final smoking time for a ham depends on several factors. Including the size and type of the ham as well as the type of smoker used. Bigger hams will take longer to cook than smaller ones. So it is important to plan ahead when smoking larger hams.

Considerations for achieving desired ham texture and flavor

Besides the size and type of smoker. Experimenting with different types of wood pellets can produce unique flavors. While using a brine solution will help to keep your ham moist and flavorful.

The amount of smoke used will affect both the flavor and texture of the finished product. Too much smoke can make your ham taste bitter, while too little may not give it enough smoky flavor. Finding the right balance for your particular tastes is key.


Q: How long does it take to smoke a ham in an electric smoker?

A: Most hams will take between 3-5 hours in an electric smoker to reach a safe internal temperature of 165°F.

Q: What type of smoker is best for smoking hams?

A: Electric smokers are great if you need a fast cooking time. While pellet smokers provide more intense smoky flavors but must have longer cooking times.

Q: What is the best temperature for smoking ham?

A: The ideal temperature for smoking a ham is between 225°F and 250°F. The internal temperature of the ham should reach a safe temperature of 165°F before serving.

Q: How can I make sure my smoked ham doesn’t dry out?

A: Brining or marinating the ham before smoking will help to ensure it stays moist and flavorful.

Q: How much wood should I use when smoking a ham?

A: This depends on the type of your desired smokiness. For electric smokers, adding 1-2 handfuls of wood chips or chunks will provide a nice smoky flavor. For pellet smokers, the amount of wood used is always the size of the ham and your desired smokiness level.


 Do you have any tips on how long to smoke a ham in electric smoker? When it comes to smoking ham? Both an electric smoker and a pellet smoker can produce delicious results. The amount of time needed for each type varies. With electric smokers taking 3-5 hours and pellet smokers taking 5-7 hours. Choosing the right type of smoker will depend on your preference for flavor and convenience. Enjoy!

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